Time Management Reimagined

New time management tips that work - Business casual women checking her apple watch notifications waiting for Morning Pages to start, with her notebook and computer open on her desk.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

She was tired of the same old advice on how to manage her time, but then she heard my technique, tried it herself, and now she can’t see how she ”ever functioned before” – her words not mine.

New Ways to Manage Your Time

I was talking with a friend the other day about how over the years, our businesses have changed so drastically, but one thing that’s been consistent is always trying to find alternative ways to manage our time.


Unconventional Methods for Maximizing Productivity

Back in 2017 when I first left the corporate world to pursue my goals of being self employed, I remember always looking up videos on how to manage my time, how to get shit done, how my days should look now that I’m on my own. And at that time, hustle culture was the only culture. Everyone was spewing toxic productivity and all the advice led to burning out, and feeling like you weren’t good enough. Looking back at it now, I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that people were scared of being responsible for their ever changing income, but a lot of it was and is still because people make money off keeping early stage entrepreneurs burnt out and stretched thin.

Which is why, ever since I realized that, I’ve been on the hunt to create an alternative approach to productivity, and shouting it from the rooftops so others can realize there are other ways.

As creative entrepreneurs working from home, we often find ourselves juggling multiple tasks, striving to strike a balance between productivity and creative flow. Traditional time management methods, with their strict schedules and rigid routines, may not always align with our creative instincts and working styles. This blog aims to delve into the realm of unconventional time management, offering alternative approaches that allow you to harness your creativity and maximize productivity effortlessly.

In the beginning of 2021, I started taking on clients that were interested in creating balance between working and living at home. Over the years I’ve been able to recognize the commonalities that helped my clients the most, and that’s what we are going to go over today!

1. Embrace Fluidity

Unlike the conventional approach of meticulously planning every minute of our day, embracing fluidity enables creative entrepreneurs to tap into their natural rhythms. Instead of setting strict schedules, try working with a combination of loose time blocks and themed days. Identify your most productive hours on any given day, because as much as you might think you’re morning person or a night owl, they do change on a day to day basis. Then assign every day a theme based off what and how you work best that day. Allow yourself the freedom to explore ideas and concepts beyond the strict structures of trying to do a little bit of everything everyday. When you’re working in a theme, you’re enabling your creative flow to flourish without context shifting or intentional distractions.

I remember when I was in high school my brain would be fried after 3rd period and I was always jealous of this other high school that worked in time blocks instead of periods. Rather than trying to fit in 8 periods of different kinds of information every day they would have longer time blocks for 1 topic, and instead of trying to do all 8 classes in a day they would do 3-4 classes every other day. The students would have more time to soak in what they were learning and actually have time within the school day to get their work done, that homework wasn’t necessarily a thing, it was more study based. At the time I was mind blown, like “how would you ever be able to find your rhythm if every day was different” but the thing is, those students weren’t just memorizing information so they could pass the test, they were actually learning and retaining information.

This memory got me thinking about how our brains work and trying to figure out how I can incorporate a similar technique into my daily schedule. So I tried time blocking random times on my calendar for specific projects, but almost immediately I noticed that by the time I got to that designated time block, to work on that specific project, I still struggled starting it because I wasn’t in the mood to or I didn’t have the energy for it.

Which is when I realized that strict time blocks aren’t the solution to creating or retaining your creative flow. Having loose time blocks around your usual peak energy, while working on tasks all related to a similar theme is how you can keep that momentum from one task to the next.

2. Prioritize Deep Work

Deep work refers to dedicated periods of uninterrupted, focused work. It involves immersing ourselves in tasks that require concentrated effort, allowing us to accomplish meaningful work efficiently. To incorporate deep work into your routine, create a designated workspace free from distractions. Set specific goals for each session and eliminate potential interruptions, such as disabling notifications or setting your phone to silent mode. By prioritizing deep work, you can optimize your productivity and achieve substantial progress on your creative projects.

As a work from home mom of two I know this isn’t always achievable throughout the day. Which why rather than trying to multitask and hop between mom mode and work mode all day long, I try to prioritize the time when my husband gets home or on the days he’s working from home as well.

When you are able to actually embrace and prioritize an hour or two of uninterrupted deep work through out the week, you would be surprised how much more you can get done in that hour. Now I know first hand this isn’t always possible for everyone, especially when you’re a mom, because sometimes inspiration hits when you’re still in mom mode and some times your energy levels are so low when you finally get a chance to practice deep work, that you’re not even able to utilize it. This might not be available to everyone all the time, but when you are able to utilize it, set clear boundaries with you family that you need uninterrupted time.

3. Experiment with Productivity Rituals

Traditional productivity methods often emphasize strict routines and repetitive tasks. However, as creative entrepreneurs, we thrive on novelty and inspiration. Experiment with productivity rituals that spark creativity and invigorate your work environment. These rituals could include activities like morning journaling, meditation, or engaging in physical exercises. By incorporating these rituals into your daily routine, you can kickstart your creative energy and approach your work with renewed enthusiasm.

Every morning I do morning pages with my community and it’s an amazing way to start off your day. For me personally it allows me to do a solid check in with myself, see where I’m at, understand what I’m thinking and figure out my next steps.

I think it’s also important to note that routines aren’t set in stone. It’s important to create routines based off of your different energy levels. I remember working with a very specific client of mine, she was tired of the same old advice on how to manage her time, but then she heard my technique, tried it herself, and now she can’t see how she…”ever functioned before” her words not mine. She saw one of my tiktoks about learning to work more intuitively and listen to your energy so she booked a call.

I remember one thing she struggled with was thinking that if she just had a solid routine it would change her life, she’d finally be able to do it all. When I taught her my method of working intuitively that incorporates having different routines based off your different energy levels it all started making sense. There isn’t a one size fits all solution for anything. So instead of trying to pretend like I could create that perfect routine for her, instead we did a deep dive on who is, how she likes to work, what’s involved in her work in order to figure out what kinds of routines would make the most impact on her days. First we created different menus for all the different aspects of her life. And rather than thinking about what she needed to get done, she could look at the menu, see what she was in the mood for and order up!

4. Embrace the Power of Rest

Rest and rejuvenation are vital aspects of any productive routine. As creative entrepreneurs, it's crucial to acknowledge the value of downtime and its impact on our overall creativity and well-being. I’m a take-breaks-throughout-the-day-to-recharge type of person. Whether it's through short walks, meditation, or indulging in a favorite hobby. By nurturing yourself and allowing time for relaxation, you'll replenish your energy reserves and experience increased focus and productivity when you return to work.

Remember when I said earlier that sometimes your energy is so low that by the time your partner gets home to take over parental duties, you dont have it in you to work? Don’t dismiss that hour just because your energy is low, use that time for a solid recharge time for yourself, because recharging is just as beneficial.

While I was writing this I was feeling on top of my game! I was so pumped, high energy, feeling good and proud of myself for creating a life changing blog for you guys, and out of nowhere got side tracked, lost motivation lost energy and not gonna lie, wanted to take the rest of the day off.

That was my full intention too. So I went outside with my son, we did some gardening, came in ate some lunch, danced around a little bit, chilled on the couch and cuddled, and just like that my mood changed back to “let’s finish that blog!”.

SO here I am sitting in my office finishing this up because my inspiration and motivation came back! The power of rest and rejuvenation is real! Go do something you love today, it’ll change your life!

5. Leverage Technology and Automation

Here’s the thing that I think most early stage entrepreneurs don’t do (or don’t do enough), and that is to leverage technology and automation. Your first employee should be automation. Automate as many things as you can.

Technology offers numerous tools and resources that can streamline our workflow and enhance productivity. There are endless automation tools, project management software, and time-tracking apps that will align with your needs. These technologies can handle routine tasks, freeing up time for creative pursuits. If you’re like “but where do I start!?!?!”, one resource I can’t recommend enough is my Automated Intuitive Weekly Planner. This is my OG Notion template I made that’s helped hundreds of people organize and prioritize the chaos in that lives in your brain.

As creative entrepreneurs, our journey toward productivity and success doesn't have to adhere strictly to conventional methods. By embracing unconventional time management approaches and learning to work intuitively we can cultivate an environment that nurtures our creativity while maintaining productivity. Remember to prioritize deep work, experiment with productivity rituals, and leverage technology wisely. Embracing fluidity and honoring the power of rest will help you find the balance between productivity and creative expression, leading to a fulfilling and successful work-from-home experience.

Mentioned links:

Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.

Feel confident in your brand so you can focus on what really matters.

And as always – don’t give up, take a day off instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun


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