Stop Doing These 3 Habits

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

From Overworking to Gentle Productivity

People are constantly striving to be more productive, to the point where you are either overworking yourself or you’re so focused on trying to be more productive you end up constantly working on your business vs working in your business and actively making money. If you want to learn more about this concept I talk about it in a Private Pod on my Consciously Creative membership. This obsession with productivity can lead to toxic productivity, which causes people to overwork themselves and ultimately burn out. In this blog post, we will discuss what toxic productivity is, three toxic productivity habits to cut out this year, and how gentle productivity can help regulate your workday.

What is Toxic Productivity?

Toxic productivity is the idea that people must be productive all the time, no matter what.

It is the belief that one's worth is solely based on their productivity levels, and that they must always be doing something. This mentality leads to overworking, burnout, and even physical & mental health problems. My clients STRUGGLE with taking rest days, they’re filled with guilt when they take time off, get sick, or take time off to go experience something new. If you struggle with this kind of mentality, this is for you. You are not alone, there are so many other creatives and entrepreneurs that go through the same thing.

Three Toxic Productivity Habits to Cut Out

  1. Multitasking:

    While multitasking may seem like a good way to get more done in less time, it can actually decrease productivity and increase stress levels. When you try to do multiple things at once, your brain has to switch back & forth between tasks, which can lead to mistakes and a decrease in overall productivity.

  2. Working Long Hours:

    Many people believe that working long hours is a sign of dedication & hard work. However, overworking can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and even physical & mental health problems. I remember I got stuck in the 15 hour work mentality when I first started my self-employed journey and it is NOT a practice I wish on anyone. It's important to set boundaries and prioritize self-care to avoid burnout. I now work 3 to 4 hour days 4x a week and I can teach you how to do this in my Work Intuitively Masterclass. If you want to learn more about this, sign up for my free community and send me a message saying “Work Less Club” and I will send you all the details you need to know! Head to or if you’re on my website simply click the button in the menu bar that says “The Community”.

  3. Ignoring Rest Days:

    Rest days are essential for recharging and avoiding burnout. However, many people feel guilty for taking time off and push themselves to work through their rest days, which causes more exhaustion. If you really want to increase your ability to BE productive, it's important to prioritize rest & relaxation to avoid burnout. I get it, you’re trying to start a business, launch your products or services, get new client etc etc – but if you are not taking care of yourself, you will be unable to take care of your clients, you will make more mistakes, you will truly waste time re-doing the work you insisted on doing even though you knew full well you should have taken a break.

There are so many toxic productivity habits we can eliminate in our lives, but this elimination process will take time. You’re trying to create a whole new version of yourself, so go easy on yourself if you slip up. While you start to eliminate these toxic work habits, try gentle productivity instead.


How Gentle Productivity Can Help Regulate Your Workday

Gentle productivity is a mindset that prioritizes self-care & balance over productivity for productivity's sake. It is about working smarter, not harder, and recognizing that rest & relaxation are just as important as work. Gentle productivity involves setting realistic goals, taking breaks when needed, and practicing self-compassion. My method of gentle productivity is to be Consciously Creative. This includes learning how to Work Intuitively.

By practicing gentle productivity, you can avoid burnout and increase your overall productivity. When you prioritize self-care & balance, you are able to work more efficiently & effectively, without sacrificing your mental & physical health. A simple way we implement this practice is with Guided Morning Pages - if you have no idea what Morning Pages are please check out episode 042: What Are Morning Pages if you’ve heard of Morning Pages but never heard me talk about them I still recommend you listen to that episode because I breakdown how I’ve adapted them to fit my ADHD brain and gear them towards business & personal development.

Another way we implement the practice of gentle productivity is to co-work with each other. Consciously Creative has group coaching included in the membership and I also offer a retainer program for my clients, and one of the ways I like to be there for my clients is to create a space where they are able to be held accountable to accomplish the goals we set. So I created virtual Coffee Sessions where we meet up a few times week and co-work with each other. It’s not coaching, its not a course or program, it’s a one hour time slot Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday where virtually meet up for coffee and work together. It’s designed to get you started, find your flow, follow through with your goals, and have people to celebrate your wins!

Seriously, if you want more support on shifting to gentle accountability, I highly recommend checking out my membership, it might just be what’s missing from your daily schedule!

Mentioned Links:

Toxic productivity is a dangerous mindset that can lead to burnout and actually decrease your productivity. By cutting out toxic productivity habits and prioritizing gentle productivity, you can regulate your workday and increase your overall productivity in a sustainable way. You will find more time for yourself, for your other life goals, for family time, and you’ll actually start seeing a shift in your moods & energy levels. Remember to prioritize self-care and balance, and don't let the pressure to be productive all the time take over your life.

Remember - don’t give up, take a day off instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun


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